Lots of news this week. We are seeing alot of new database tech starting to get released and I am excited to start digging in.
Yesterday we shared a note on Fallacies of Distributed Systems so if you didn't see that check your inbox or the link above.
Enjoy this week's round up!
GitHub - dragonflydb/dragonfly: A modern replacement for Redis and Memcached
Dragonfly is a modern in memory database that is line compatible with both redis and memcache. Claiming to be the fastest in memory store in the universe.
Neon — Serverless, Fault-Tolerant, Branchable Postgres
🐦 We are hoping to build the largest system design community on the internet! We would love for you to join us. You can find us here on Twitter.
Rust Is Hard, Or: The Misery of Mainstream Programming
Really interesting write up on ease of use and learning curve of Rust programming language. Good read.
How fast are Linux pipes anyway?
4Bn rows/sec query benchmark: Clickhouse vs QuestDB vs Timescale | QuestDB: the database for time series
I like benchmarks as much as the next person.
How Grafana Mimir’s split-and-merge compactor enables scaling metrics to 1 billion active series
Better Load Balancing: Real-Time Dynamic Subsetting
Introduction to Uber's service mesh powering thousands of microservices. 😬
Stack under attack: what we learned about handling DDoS attacks