Arc Notes Weekly #4: Legos
This weeks post covers extending Zookeeper with Delos, modern data pipelining, dependency culling, and much more.
We have a few post lined up for the coming weeks. I am really excited to share it with community!
Enjoy this week's round up!
Introducing Zelos: A ZooKeeper API leveraging Delos
The scale Meta is operating at pushes tools we use to their limits. This article shows how they extended ZooKeeper with Delos.
Ultrasonic payments | Charlie Gerard | Senior frontend developer & Creative Technologist
Really cool technology demo, sending data through sound! 🔊
AWS costs every programmer should know
🐦 We are hoping to build the largest system design community on the internet! We would love for you to join us. You can find us here on Twitter.
Cull your dependencies
Great post about managing your dependencies and getting rid of what you don't need.
How NAT traversal works
Nice primer on Nat traversal from Tailscale team!
Lessons Learned From Running Apache Airflow at Scale