Arc Notes Weekly #40: Chat 💬
This week, we will learn How Discord Stored Trillions of Messages, How to get more efficiency with your Kubernetes Setup, and How DoorDash uses CockroachDB.
This week, we will learn How Discord Stored Trillions of Messages, How to get more efficiency with your Kubernetes Setup, and How DoorDash uses CockroachDB.
Enjoy this week's round-up!
— Mahdi Yusuf (@myusuf3)
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Practical tips for rightsizing your Kubernetes workloads
The promise of K8s aside from obvious ones is efficiency this article discusses why costs seems to have ballooned.
Discord Blog
How Discord Stores Trillions of Messages
Kubernetes Infrastructure At Medium
Always fun to read about different setups.
Using CockroachDB to Reduce Feature Store Costs by 75%
Designing Good Interfaces
Interesting project which tries to provide system specific context, built on top of prometheus and open telemetry.
❤️ The Favourites - this section won't make an appearance every week, will usually be something that was a particularly high point in tech that impacts us all. If you see something worthy of the favourite, tweet at @arcnotes
[tz] Lebanon DST change internally disputed
Lebanon has two timezones.