Arc Notes Weekly #43: External
This week, we will learn How RocksDB works, Dealing with multi-tenancy, and writing code using LLMs the right way.
This week, we will learn How RocksDB works, Dealing with multi-tenancy, and writing code using LLMs the right way.
Enjoy this week's round-up!
— Mahdi Yusuf (@myusuf3)
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How RocksDB works - Artem Krylysov
Findings from an engineer working with RocksDB for 4 years.
The Inner Workings of Distributed Databases | QuestDB
Surprising Scalability of Multitenancy - Marc’s Blog
Tales of Multitenacy; Something I generally try to avoid.
Failure Mitigation for Microservices: An Intro to Aperture
Looks like LLMs can improve computer vision as well.
GitHub - charliermarsh/ruff: An extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust.
This linter is fast.
❤️ The Favourites - this section won't make an appearance every week, will usually be something that was a particularly high point in tech that impacts us all. If you see something worthy of the favourite, tweet at @arcnotes
An example of LLM prompting for programming
Very interesting article on how to provide needed context to LLMs.