Arc Notes Weekly #58: Reprise
This week, another week another platform built on top of Kubernetes, Network programming basics, and architecture of LLM based applications.
This week, another week another platform built on top of Kubernetes, Network programming basics, and architecture of LLM based applications.
Enjoy this week's round-up!
— Mahdi Yusuf (@myusuf3)
🥳 Harness the Synergy of Doppler & AWS Secrets Manager to Transform Your Development Operations! Explore our comprehensive guides and elevate your approach to secrets management, balancing robust security with increased efficiency.
Building a high performance JSON parser
Beej’s Guide to Network Programming
PinCompute: A Kubernetes Backed General Purpose Compute Platform for Pinterest
Platform this time by Pinterest.
Optimism vs Pessimism in Distributed Systems - Marc’s Blog
Good article on systems level thinking and coordination.
AWS and Doppler - Better Together
Unleash the combined power of Doppler and AWS Secrets Manager to revolutionize your developer workflows. Experience resilience like never before, ensuring your secrets management is not only more secure but also more productive. Dive into our series of guides to discover how Doppler enhances security and operational efficiency. By serving as a universal source of truth, Doppler's integration with AWS strengthens your security posture and streamlines operations across all platforms.
Sign up for free with Doppler to up-level your secrets management!
Sign Up
Create an advanced search engine with PostgreSQL
Discover How We Managed to Reduce Our Cloud Costs by 30 percent
All it takes is for someone to take a closer look. I am surprised a business has come into this space to help people do this better.
The architecture of today’s LLM applications
GitHub - o2sh/onefetch: Command-line Git information tool
GitHub - bensadeh/tailspin: 🌀 A log file highlighter
Pretty neat!
❤️ The Favourites - this section won't make an appearance every week, will usually be something that was a particularly high point in tech that impacts us all. If you see something worthy of the favourite, tweet at @arcnotes
I Accidentally Saved Half A Million Dollars — Ludicity