Arc Notes Weekly #9: Thunder
This weeks post covers DynamoDB paper, writing SLOs, caring about what you do and much more.
A bit of a lighter week; summer must be in full swing. This week we cover DynamoDB and tools to help write SLOs. Keep an eye out later this week for an in-depth post on Redis for subscribers.
Enjoy this week's round-up!
Mahdi (@myusuf3)
Owl: Distributing content at Meta scale
Meta covers how they move objects between hosts.
Vertical CPU Scaling: Reduce Cost of Capacity and Increase Reliability
The DynamoDB paper - Marc’s Blog
Incredible post about the history of DynamoDB the link to the paper is worth a read too.
🐦 We are hoping to build the largest system design community on the internet! We would love for you to join us. You can find us here on Twitter.
GitHub - OpenSLO/OpenSLO: Open specification for defining and expressing service level objectives (SLO)
Need a way to manage SLOs and write specifications.
GitHub - xo/usql: Universal command-line interface for SQL databases
GitHub - kevwan/tproxy: A cli tool to proxy and analyze TCP connections.
Tool to analyze TCP connections to debug distributed systems.
The Favourite
♥️ The Favourites - this section won't make an appearance every week, will usually be something that was a particularly high point in tech that impacts us all. If you see something worthy of the favourite, tweet at @arcnotes
Giving a Shit as a Service
NASA’s Webb Delivers Deepest Infrared Image of Universe Yet